Actors Principal Series Regulars and Guest Star Roles-
We book for non-union and union roles, Independent Films, Webisodes, Movie of the Week, TV Series and Feature Films.
Commercials- Regional and National
Platinum is very proud of our roster and take pride in taking new talent and developing them to the next level. You could be that next talent we are looking for.......
Our goal is to build your resume in order to market you both locally and nationally to all casting agents and directors in Canada and the United States, when we see you have adequate training and resume.
Background performers-
Platinum is always looking for fresh New Faces who want to go out and be on a movie set. It is an amazing experience for all. Please contact us to be a part of our Background roster. We also suggest the Set Etiquette workshop on how your first day on a Film set will be and the proper rules and regulations.
Information below is available to read.
Looking for models who represent women of today. Real people, we also look for Fashion Models of all ages.
Voice Over-
Do you have a Great voice for Radio Commercials, Cartoons or Video Games?
We work on promotional projects for companies throughout Canada.
(Corporate and Music)- Corporate Videos are used throughout the business sectors and Music Videos have become more popular with the Social Media Sites
Background Performers are the people who provide the ambiance or atmosphere, which also provides realism for the Actors to bring the scene to life. In other words, they are the people who move in behind the Actors to make the scene look real and the best Background Performers are the ones who are NOT NOTICED.
As a Background Performer, your job is to blend in with the rest of the crowd. Now if you could imagine two Background Performers at the table laughing, looking directly into the camera, trying to be noticed, it's going to ruin the scene. Never let this happen, as it is a very good way to never be asked back again.
Once your pictures and profile have been completed on Platinum you are ready for booking.
What is required of all talent being selected for BG Performer Bookings?
A. Do they have the right look for the scene?
A. A. Do they have the right wardrobe for the scene?
1. Availability? Each time we are called to book people for a scene in a movie, it is important for us to send the right person. For example, we will not send a child to a night club scene.
Once you have been selected we will give you a call at the number or numbers you have provided us. Don't worry that you may not be home just have a contact cell we can reach you on or text us back. If you don't it is a good idea to get one. If we do leave a message, we will also leave a time frame of when we would like to hear from you by. If we have not heard from you in that time frame we will move on to the next person.
Once you have been contacted and you are available for the day, your name will be called into the Background Performer casting director for booking. You have made a commitment to the production so make sure that your entire day is open and you have nothing else you have to do that day or evening as filming can run as long as 14 hours. Canceling or changing your mind after you have been confirmed makes it very difficult for all involved as it simply creates more work for your Agent and Background Performers Casting Director if we have to replace you.
On the initial call we will tell you what productions you are being booked on and the date that you are needed. The balance of the details such as where you are to go and what time you are supposed to be there will be given to you the night before. You will also receive your wardrobe specifications and the name of whom you are to check in with when you arrive on set.
Prior to accepting a booking as a Background Performer please review the following guidelines. When you are booked to work a day on a film or television production you must keep the entire day and night clear of any other obligations. Productions often shoot 12 to 16 hours a day and you must be available for as long as you are required. Do not accept a booking unless you are absolutely sure that you can commit for the entire day and night.
Productions generally start work as early as 6 or 7 in the morning and sometimes earlier.
Most productions shoot during the week Monday through to Friday. Very few productions shoot on Saturdays and Sundays.
If you are booked on a night shoot you must be prepared to work all through the night and finish during the morning hours.
We will be booking you based on the way you look in your photo. Please let us know if you have changed your appearance.
When you are initially booked on a production you will be given preliminary location and wardrobe information.
If you do not own or have access to a vehicle do not accept a booking unless you are absolutely sure that you are able to arrange transportation to the shooting location. Please ensure that you are familiar with the public transportation system.
If you own a vehicle please note that non-union Background Performers are responsible for their own parking.
Regardless of whether you own a vehicle or not always keep a map of the lower mainland with you.
A call time is the time you must report to work. Call times are always distributed the evening prior to the day you are scheduled to work.
When you are given your call time you will also be given your exact reporting location, your contact name, as well as your detailed wardrobe information.
Please remember that once you have booked yourself on a production we ask that you fulfill your commitment.
Prior to accepting a booking as a Background Performer please review the following guidelines.
ALWAYS BE ON TIME FOR WORK! If you ever think you might be late for work please contact the Agent who booked you immediately. This lets us know that you are on your way and saves us time trying to track you down and possibly replacing you!
Once you arrive at work report directly to your contact person and fill out your time sheet. When you have completed your time sheet please return it to your contact person.
In order to fill out your time sheet correctly, always bring a pen, your Social Insurance Number and your complete mailing address. Please be sure to print clearly. It is very important that your time sheet is filled out correctly.
Please note that time sheets will not be processed without a valid Social Insurance Number and a complete mailing address. If you are a minor or teenager please inform us if you do not have a Social Insurance number yet.
Extras holding is the designated area where Background Performers wait until they are required on set. Never leave extras holding as you may be needed at any moment.
Once you go to set the A.D.s will give you your movement or blocking for a scene. As we will repeat and match everything for different camera angles it is important that you remember exactly what you did and how you looked in each scene. This is called continuity. To help you remember you may want to make notes for yourself during your workday.
Most productions will rehearse the blocking of a scene several times prior to filming.
When the director is ready to shoot the following prompts will be heard:
The 1st A.D. will call out "roll sound" to initiate sound recording.
Next, the sound department will call out "sound speed" to confirm that they are recording sound.
After that, the camera department will sync the film and sound using the time slate or clapper. They may also call out "frame" to confirm that they are filming.
Then the 1st A.D. will call out "background action" to cue the Background Performers to begin their movement.
Lastly, the director will call out "action" to cue the actors.
Once the scene is completed the director will call "cut". It is very important that you continue the action you have been given until you have heard the director call "cut".
Once a shot is completed and the director has called "cut" the A.D.s may ask you to go to your "first marks" or return to your "number ones". This means you must return to your beginning position and prepare to shoot the scene again.
While you are on set please do not talk.
Always be sure to listen carefully to any direction you are given.
Never look at the camera. Or term used ( Spike the Camera).
When you are on set please ensure that all pagers and cell phones are turned off.
Still photo or video photography by Background Performers is forbidden on set.
Productions request that you do not disturb the actors. Please do not request autographs.
Never leave set unless you are directed to do so by an A.D. When you do leave set please go directly to extras holding and wait for your next instructions.
Never leave work until you are told you are wrapped. Please note that in order to be paid you must first sign out before leaving.
Keep a work journal. Record your work dates, hours and pay rates each time you work.
When you are leaving please ensure you take all of your belongings home with you. Anything that is left at the end of the day is tagged as "lost and found" and sent to the production office. If you do forget something please contact the production office. Please note that productions are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Light snacks and beverages are provided periodically during the work day. This is called craft service. Please note that due to different budgets there is often one craft service table for crew members and another for Background Performers. Please do not eat from the crew member's craft service table.
A light lunch is provided. If you have any special dietary needs you may want to bring your own meal. Please note that lunch is generally served six hours after the crew has started working and is not served during the typical lunch hour.
Report any injuries or illnesses immediately.
Arrive at work prepared for any weather conditions. Always bring an umbrella.
Waiting is a large part of a Background Performers job. Please feel free to bring a book or some other form of quiet entertainment with you. Sleeping at work is generally frowned upon.
Keep your valuables with you at all times. Never bring large amounts of money or unnecessary valuables with you to work. Please note that productions are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Always deposit your garbage in a trashcan.
If you smoke please smoke in designated smoking areas only. When extinguishing your cigarettes please use a butt can.
Prior to accepting a booking as a Background Performer please review the following guidelines.
As a Background Performer you are required to supply your own wardrobe to wear on camera.
Always report to work camera ready. This means you should arrive at work dressed in the requested wardrobe with your hair and make-up done.
Women, please bring your make-up kits with you to work. Men, please make sure you arrive clean shaven unless requested otherwise.
Always bring three full changes of the requested wardrobe including outerwear, footwear and accessories. Arrive dressed in your first change and bring the other two changes pressed and hanging in a wardrobe bag. The costume designer will then choose which of your wardrobe options work best for the scene we are shooting.
Never bring your wardrobe rolled up and stuffed in a duffel bag or knapsack.
Each production's requirements will vary slightly but please remember the following standard guidelines for wardrobe:
No black wardrobe.
No white wardrobe.
No bright colors like red, yellow or orange etc.
No visible logos or advertisements on wardrobe.
Please ensure the wardrobe you bring is clean.
Sometimes the costume department may give you something to wear in a scene. Please remember that you are responsible for this wardrobe at all times. Do not leave your wardrobe unattended.
Please do not change your appearance once the costume, hair and make-up departments have approved you. Please use caution when eating or drinking.
If you have any wardrobe items loaned to you from the production please ensure that you have returned them prior to signing out. Please be sure to return them in the same condition that you received them.